Student Absentee Information
Attendance Policy
Attendance is very important for student achievement. Please help us to educate your child by sending them to school every day. Students are expected to come to school on time, daily. The school day starts at 9:00AM. Instructional time ends at 3:39PM, and to minimize disruption, early dismissals will not be permitted after 2:00PM.
- Research has shown that the students who experience the greatest degree of success are those with the best attendance and punctuality records. Students need to be in school every day and on time.
- Pupils are expected to attend school every day except when they are ill. Regular attendance is essential to the educational growth of every child. It is critical that each student maximize the time spent in the classrooms. Time missed due to excessive absences or lateness is a loss of valuable, consistent, sequential instruction, which cannot be made up with extra work. If it is necessary for a child to be absent, parents must send a note explaining the absence the day of the student’s return to school. If the school does not receive a note excusing the absence within three calendar days of the absence, the absence will be considered unexcused. After three unexcused absences, your child may be considered truant and referred to a support organization.
- In the event that your child will be absent from school for a period of time due to a family vacation, please be aware that your child will be marked absent for the days he or she is not attending school, and the absences will be documented on your child’s permanent attendance record as unexcused.
- Please note that absence and lateness events become part of the student’s history profile. Attendance and punctuality can affect High School placement options. Students with excessive absences and latenesses may be considered for a detention or other interventions.
- There are two substantive changes in the Attendance Policy. First, students that arrive in school after 10:00AM without a note or leave before 1:00PM without a note, will be marked as a half day unexcused absence. The half-day unexcused absences will accrue to full days. Second, after eight (8) cumulative absences for illness, the parent or guardian must secure a doctor’s note for any future absences for illness.
Lateness Policy 
- Students arriving after 9:00AM are considered late. If a student arrives after 9:00AM, the student must report to the Main Office by way of the Main Entrance for a late slip before entering the classroom.
- In the event that a student has nine (9) or more occasions of lateness, a notice will be forwarded to the school counselor. The counselor will arrange a meeting and invite the student’s parent to discuss the student’s chronic lateness infractions, to review consequences for lateness infraction and to develop a plan/contract addressing the student’s punctuality.